How to delete your account and all collected data?

For: Medieval Mini RPG - Mid Ages, Booda Games

Never Logged In

If you have never logged into the game, we do not collect your data, so no further action is required.

Logged In Users

  • This feature requires version 0.8790 of the game or later. If you have an earlier version, update the game or reach us via email to delete your account.
  • Open the game. Log in if you are not already.
  • Navigate to settings by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner.
  • Click the "Delete Account" button on the right side.
  • A warning popup will appear, informing you that all progress, in-app purchases, and data will be permanently lost, cannot be recovered, and will no longer be stored.
  • If you understand and accept these consequences, click "OK" to permanently delete your account.

Prefer to Email Us?

If you prefer not to follow the steps above and would like assistance with your account deletion, please email us at Include your account details and a request to delete your account. Our support team will guide you through the process.